Bluestacks for PC free download: Today everyone has smartphones in their hand. Everybody uses lots of Android apps related to Entertainment, Sports, News, Education, Technology, etc. a number of Android apps launched every day to attract customers and improve their Business also. So, nowadays android apps attached to user’s everyday style. Somehow users miss the facility of Android apps on our PC. Many users wish if we could have our favorite android apps on our PC too. So good news friends! because their wish now can be fulfilled by the most popular app Bluestacks app player. Bluestacks App Player is the wonderful Android emulator software. Android emulator is a software which is used to run your Android applications and games on your PC. Bluestacks app player is available for both Windows and Mac.
Download BlueStacks for Windows and Mac. Enjoy over 1 Million Top Android Games with the best app player for PC. The installer automatically detects the Operating System your device is running and chooses the right version of BlueStacks. How to root Bluestack 4 on mac or windows. Method 2: Root Bluestacks with BSMultiTool. In this method, we are going to use a tool called BlueStacksMultiTool. This tool will help us to root Bluestacks in a single click and it is also the easiest way to root Bluestacks without any issue. Download BS Tool. Step 1: Download the.rar package from the link given above.
Bluestacks app player was founded on 2011 and it has now more than 130 million users. They just download the Bluestacks and gets the wonderful experience of playing games and using their android applications on their PC.
One more advantage is you usually use your android applications on your smartphones. It’s a slim and portable but it’s too tiny. By using Bluestacks app player, you can just view your favorite apps and games on the big screens such as your Desktop or Laptop. You will definitely get the excellent experience of using your favorite apps on your PC by using Bluestacks app player.
There are millions of people around the world uses millions of android apps and they use android apps on their PC too by using the Bluestacks app player. Be one of them by just downloading the app and installed it on your PC.
So why are you waiting? Just download Bluestacks app player for PC and play your favorite games such as clash of clans, candy crush saga and most popular apps such as WhatsApp, Hike, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, snapchat or entertainment apps such as Hotstar, gaana, Hungama, etc. on your PC.
- 1 Amazing Features Of Bluestacks App Player
- 2 Online Installer
- 2.3 How To Fix Bluestacks Errors
- 2.6 Downloading And Installation Of Android Apps On Your PC Using Bluestacks
Before you download Bluestacks for PC, just know the Amazing features provided by the popular app Bluestacks app player. The features are
- Bluestacks is available for both Windows PC and Apple Mac. so you can play your Android games and applications on your PC.
- Bluestacks offers fully customizable environment.
- Google play store integration supported.
- Bluestacks App player is a free software, so it’s free to use. Premium version is also available where you get some extra features that not available for non-premium users.
- With Bluestacks, you can directly download android apps from google play store and run with the help of Bluestacks software on your PC.
- Bluestacks supports multiple languages.
- You can access the Bluestacks app by your Google account.
- You can also run your .apk files downloaded from the web, by right click that application and then using the option open with Bluestacks option.
- We control our android games or applications using keyboard and mouse. It supports all kind of input devices.
- Bluestacks provides an excellent user interface. So you will get amazing experience by using Bluestacks software than other emulators.
- Supports multiple OS configurations.
- Bluestacks supports old versions like Windows XP and also supports all new modern versions like Windows 7,8,8.1,10.
- Bluestacks supports Mac PC also without any problem.
- Bluestacks allows one click installation of android apps and games.
- Bluestacks provides a user -friendly interface so this is all time favorite for users.
- By default, Bluestacks comes with some android apps like Whats app and Clash of clans.
- Seamless conversion to the big screen. Play your android games or chat with your friends on Whatsapp, Hike on the big screen.
- It provides good quality and better reliability to users.
- This is favorite apps for users because it combines both laptop and PC.
Installation Requirements Of Bluestacks For PC
- You must be the administrator of your PC/Laptop(access the PC as Administrator).
- Your PC must have at least 2 GB RAM(main memory or physical memory or RAM).
- Your PC must have 4 GB free disk space for storing your android apps and games(Hard disk space).
- The Graphics card drivers should be updated to the latest version then only it will compatible with Bluestacks.
Download Bluestacks For PC
Now you know everything about Bluestacks, then why are you waiting for download. Just download the app and enjoy your android apps on your PC.
Offline Installer
In this, you can download the file and you can save it n your d drive or pen- drive. Whenever you want to install Bluestacks on your computer, just move the file to your computer and installed the app. while installing Bluestacks on your computer, it requires an internet connection.
You can download the Bluestacks executable files, to download the files later whenever you want. It also requires an internet connection for downloading and in the installation process.
Download Bluestacks from the original website by the link given by our site or download the Bluestacks from the links below. They are completely malware free and working links.
Download And Installation Method For Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
Bluestacks is an android emulator which runs android applications and games on your PC. So download and install the Bluestacks on your computer for a convenient and efficient way of playing your games and chatting with your friends. Just follow the simple steps below to install the Bluestacks on your computer.
The steps are
- First of all, choose you to want to download either the offline installer or online installer of Bluestacks for your PC.
- Download the offline installer or online installer by the link given below.
- After downloading the Bluestacks, then double-click on the downloaded installation file.
- Immediately you will be prompted with the installation window.
- Click “Next” and just click “Agree” select the appropriate options one by one.
- Once you click “Next”, you will see a Green color progressing Bar with titled as “downloading needed files”.
- After downloading the needed files finished, then you can able to run the wonderful app Bluestacks on your computer or laptop.
Download And Install Method for Mac OS
This method same as above. But here you have to download the bluestacks app player for your Mac PC.
Follow the below steps to download and install the Bluestacks app player on your Mac PC
- Download the Bluestacks app from either online installer or offline installer.
- After downloading the Bluestacks, then double click on the downloaded installation file.
- Immediately next you will be prompted with the installation window.
- Click on “Next”. Just click “Agree” Then select the appropriate options one by one.
- Once you click “Next”, you can able to see the green color progressing bar titled as “downloading needed files”.
- After finishing of downloading needed files, then you can able to run the excellent app Bluestacks on your PC or laptop.
How To Fix Bluestacks Errors
Many users face errors while installing Bluestacks App Player, so here we give some common errors and its solutions in order to reduce the complications of the user.
The most common reasons for errors while installing the Bluestacks app player are
Graphic Card Error
Generally, most of the user faces the error named “Graphic card error 25000”. The error shows “Bluestacks currently doesn’t recognize your graphic card. It is possible your graphic drivers needed to be updated, please update them and try installing again”.
You know that Bluestacks app player provides excellent graphics and amazing experience to the users. In order to maintain the qualities of bluestacks, it shows this type of error. Because it requires good quality of graphics card and enough physical memory as well.
There are two types of the graphics card.
Microsoft’s proprietary direct3D – it is used to run Windows.
OpenGL – it is used to run Android programs.
you need to update Windows regularly. if you do not update regularly then there is a chance OpenGL also didn’t update regularly when needed time. But don’t worry, we can update the graphics card manually.
To cleanly uninstall the Bluestacks app player by using the Revo uninstaller.
Then again, Reinstall the latest version of Bluestacks.
Keep your system on charging mode in order to set power option to high performance and to make sure your graphics card is running.
To update your graphics card, go to Mycomputer->> Right click and select manage ->> Device Management->> Display adapter->> Double click on version of your GPU->> Drivers->> update drivers.
Downloading The Runtime Data Error
While installing the Bluestacks on your computer, there is a chance of your Bluestacks Google play gets stuck on “Downloading The Runtime Error”. This error is nothing to do with your system hardware.
This happens due to Bluestacks server problem.
Stop the current installation process.
Cleanly uninstall the Bluestacks app player using the Revo uninstaller.
After uninstalling, download the fresh copy of Bluestacks from its official site.
Then start the installation process of freshly downloaded Bluestacks.
Failed To Connect To Server
The most common type of error while installing the Bluestacks is “No app found please check your internet connection and try again”.

Since it is in beta stage Bluestacks server is not working properly and it might be a connection issue.
This is a temporary problem and you can solve this problem easily by reconnecting your internet and try again after some time.
Can’t Access Hard Drive From The Bluestacks
Sometimes you encounter a problem Bluestacks such as “can’t Access Hard Drive From The Bluestacks”.
It is considered as a common problem in newer versions of Bluestacks because there is no direct way to open the file from the Application.
There are two ways to solve this problem.
Drag and drop the file you need to send. or
You can install the file manager like Astro file manager which is used to Browse the file you needed.
At least 2 GB Physical Internal Memory
The basic requirements of Bluestacks are 2 GB RAM. However do you have 100 GB space on your Hard disk, will you have the chance to get this error definitely? Because Bluestacks needs 2 GB physical memory that is RAM. It doesn’t consider how much space on your Hard disk, it just needs 2GB Physical internal memory(RAM).
Upgrade your RAM or Buy a new RAM. Latest version Bluestacks installer requires at least 2 GB RAM.
Otherwise, install the older version Bluestacks installer that requires only 1 GB RAM.
Error Retrieving Information From Server [RPC: S-5:AEC-0]
Bluestack troubleshooting problem.
First Go to “settings”.
Applications->>Manage Applications->>Select “All”->>Scroll to and tap Google Play store->> Force stop->> OK->> Clear data->>and tap “OK”.
Tap back button: to get back to the Application List.
Scroll to and tap->> Google Service Framework
Force stop->>OK
Clear data->>OK
Now reboot your device i.e. switch on & off the device.
How To Solve Bluestacks Loading Error – Loading issue
Many users face this problem. The screen just shows “Loading…” for Hours.
Run your system as Administrator and follow the below steps.
Navigate to C:ProgramData –if C is your Window drive and make sure this is ProgramData, not ProgramFiles.
Locate and Right click the Bluestacks Folder which is in your C drive.
Select Properties->>Security Tab
Find you Windows user within the group and the Username window
Select edit then you will need to select Windows users within the group and the Username Window.
Assign full control and select “OK” and Select “OK” again.
Reboot your system.
Now reinstall the latest version of bluestacks.
How To Fix The Error With Windows 10 Anniversary Edition Update While Installing Bluestacks
Go to the Control Panel->> Programs->>Turn Windows Features on or off, Uncheck Hyper –V settings and click “OK”.
Windows PC applies the changes to the system and prompts for Restart. SO restart the system.
Now launch the Bluestacks app player on your system ant it will run smoothly without causing any problem.
Downloading And Installation Of Android Apps On Your PC Using Bluestacks
Bluestacks 4 Download For Pc
Ther are two ways to install android apps on your PC using Bluestacks. They are
First method:
It is very can download the android app(.apk file) on any website and Bluestacks and then installed them.
- You have to Check first, you already installed the Bluestacks on your computer, if yes then ignore this step and go to step 2 Otherwise, download the Bluestacks for Windows.
- After installation of Bluestacks on your computer, then download the android app(.apk file).
- Then right click the android app file just you downloaded some minutes ago, click the option open with Bluestacks.
- Then the app will be installed on your PC. Now you can find the android app in All Apps section where you can find all the installed apps on your Bluestacks App Player.
- Then click on the android app to play games or do anything else
Second method:
In this method, you can install your android app from google play store using Bluestacks.
Bluestacks Root Mode
- the first Check you already installed the Bluestacks on your computer, if yes then ignore this step and go to step 2 Otherwise, download the Bluestacks for Windows by the given link.
- Finish the installation process by going to settings->>accounts->>gmail then open the bluestack app.
- Click on the search box and type name of the android app to search the app.
- Then hit the search option.
- Then you will be redirected to google play store, and you can see the android app icon.
- Click on the android app icon and then installed the app.
- Then open the Bluestacks, there you will find your favorite android app icon and open to play.
How To Root Bluestacks on PC
Rooting can be used to improve your Bluestacks. Here you need to use the pre- rooted Bluestacks which can able to run KitKat 4.4.2. with KitKat, your PC will run like a Tablet. So it makes users they use android apps on their tablet, not in PC. It gives more comfortable to the user.
- Uninstall the Bluestacks, if you already installed the Bluestacks on your PC. While uninstalling it asks do you want to keep or save the data and files? Here you can choose to keep the data and files.
- After uninstalling the Bluestacks, download the Pre-rooted Bluestacks.
- While downloading the Pre-Rooted Bluestacks, make sure you have unchecked “use our download Manager and get recommended apps” option for it.
- After downloading it, unzip it. There you can find Root.fs and initrd.img files. Just copy them.
- Run the Bluestacks app player again, you will notice following and select the “Apps” option.
- Then please download the Root Checker from Google Play and install.
- Start the Rooting process. It shows “congratulations! This device has root access”. Well done, your Bluestacks has been rooted successfully.