- Emory Lockdown Browser
- Emory Lockdown Browser Download
- Emory Lockdown Browser
- Emory Respondus Lockdown Browser
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This quiz covers the material from the Lab One (module 1) Need to Know Sheet. Read each question carefully. Fill in the blank(s) with the appropriate, correctly-spelled word(s) or phrase(s). Actor and self-proclaimed geek Henry Cavill seems to have a love for all things fantasy. Probably most fans have already heard the story of how he missed the first Superman casting call because he was playing Warcraft. “It was an important part of a particular dungeon I was going through,” he said. Then he totally geeked out about The.
- Prerequisites: Module Completed Module In Progress Module Locked. Syllabus 238275. Fall 2021 Syllabus External Url. Fall 2021 Syllabus. Fall 2021 Syllabus 1. Externalurl 1441864 0. Score at least Must score at least to complete this module item Scored at least Module item has been completed by scoring at least View Must view in order.
- Respondus LockDown Browser: Respondus LockDown Browser® is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within the LMS. When students use LockDown Browser they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. When an assessment is started, students are locked into it until they submit it for grading.
- Teachers can limit assignment submissions, drag & drop multiple files into empty modules, and use Respondus LockDown Browser with New Quizzes. Canvas releases arrive the third Saturday of each month.
The Help link at bottom left of global menu within Canvas shows many ways to get help, including email, live chat, and phone assistance.
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- Call 404-727-7777
Canvas Basics
Below we briefly introduce Canvas features. You may not see every tool discussed below in your courses since teachers may hide them. The guides referenced in this course are from Canvas Student Guides and Canvas Video Guides.
Click the topic headings below to expand them and get started.
The global navigation menu on the left links to your account, dashboard, courses, groups, calendar, inbox, and Studio.
The Account link in the global navigation menu contains profile, settings, and notifications preferences. On your Settings page, you can add email addresses or mobile numbers as other notification destinations. On the Profile page, you can add a picture and short bio. Notifications lets you change the frequency of emails or push notifications (if you download Canvas Student) overall. You can also edit notification preferences with a specific course by clicking a button on the home page.
The first page you see in Canvas is the user dashboard, which toggles between favorite courses, a global to-do list, and recent course activity and shows to do and upcoming items. It also links to an overall grade summary.
The Conversations tool (a.k.a. the Inbox) allows you to send and receive messages within Canvas. You can choose individuals, course users, or users with a specific role or group as message recipients. By default, you will receive immediate email notifications when others send you messages in Conversations. To access Conversations, click the Inbox link in universal navigation menu.
The Calendar tool displays events and due dates for all of your courses and groups, plus a personal calendar. The Calendar tool includes the Scheduler feature. Instructors may apportion several sequential open meeting times students can claim through Calendar individually or in groups.
Home, Modules, and Syllabus are basic for course organization in Canvas. Student access to Modules and Syllabus tools may be disabled by a course instructor. Every course has a home page.
Home is the first page that loads when you open a course. Instructors have five choices for Home pages: Modules (the default), Syllabus, Assignments, a Front page, or the course activity stream. The course home page also includes links to what is coming up, recent feedback, the course activity stream, analytics, and course-level notification preferences.
The Modules tool organizes different types of course content into a sequence for students to follow. Teachers may require students to mark one module item read before accessing the next or set prerequisites or date restrictions.
The Syllabus tool acts as a vertical calendar within the course showing both events and assignments. The description field may contain the syllabus or link to it.

Student access to Files, Pages, and People may be disabled by a course instructor. Each user also has a personal Files directory accessible through the Account link.
The Files tool displays whatever contents of the course's file directory are published for student access.
Pages (a.k.a. Wikis) are blank slates for content generated using the Rich Content Editor. The Pages tool keeps a version history. Teachers may permit students to edit pages, but students do not have permission by default.The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is Canvas's inline content editor used to write discussion posts, submit text entry assignments, edit pages, and more. In most places, you will see the RCE.
People is the tool that shows course users and allows group creation. Teachers may permit students to organize their own groups (this is on by default).
Canvas courses contain several tools for communication and collaboration between students and teachers. Each tool on this page may be disabled by the course instructor.Announcements are modeled on Discussions. You will see instructors' posts on global and course dashboards, and via notifications. Students may be allowed to reply with comments and questions.
The Discussions tool allows users to post and reply to threads online using the Rich Content Editor. For each thread, instructors have the option to grade submissions or to assign peer review. Users can also subscribe to threads to receive notifications (by default, daily emails) about new replies.
Chat is a simple tool for simultaneous textual communication between course members: a chat room. There is one room per course.
The Collaborations tool allows Canvas to create shared documents in Office365 and Google Docs. All collaborators must create and link their Google account to Canvas through their account settings.
The Conferences tool integrates Canvas with the BigBlueButton online classroom tool. Conferences allows you to broadcast real-time audio, video, demo applications on your desktop, share presentation slides, or demo any online resources.
Graded student work in Canvas courses is primarily administered using the Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes tools. Information about Discussions is above.
The Assignments index contains assignments that may have due dates, online submission, and peer review; it contains other graded discussions and quizzes; it may contain assignments that you complete outside Canvas, or overall evaluations (e.g. participation grade), where instructors can enter instructions or scores in Canvas.
Quizzes is where students take online quizzes and surveys, both graded and ungraded.
New Quizzes also lets students take quizzes online. It will eventually replace classic Quizzes.
There are two ways to access your grades: through the Grades tool in a course or from the View Grades button on the main user dashboard (at right or bottom depending on window width).
Canvas supports the last two versions of every browser release and recommends the newest version of the browser. Each browser has peculiar quirks, so it is best to maintain several on your machine and switch browsers to troubleshoot. The mobile app is also available for iOS and Android.
Canvas Integrations
Below you will find information and links for some tools and technologies integrated with Canvas.
Click the topic headings below to expand them and get started.
Download Respondus LockDown Browser
Notes on LockDown Browser
- Respondus Lockdown Browser does not work on Chromebooks
- You must have a webcam and a reliable, high-speed internet connection to use Respondus Monitor
- Most Respondus problems are due to one of the following:
- Firewall conflicts > turn off the firewall
- Anti-Virus software conflicts > turn off the anti-virus program
- Loss of internet connectivity > send teacher a message and try to reconnect and resume exam
- Other potential issues
- Give the browser a few seconds to fully load the exam before clicking 'Take the Quiz'. Clicking too soon has been reported as a potential cause of issues
- Browse to the quiz from the Assignments page, or the Modules page. Sometimes following links in notifications or in the 'To do' section of your Dashboard will fail to send all of the necessary parameters to the Canvas server.
Recording your name in NameCoach
1. To use NameCoach, access the tool from the Profile left hand navigation menu when you log in to Canvas.
2. Click “Record Name” in the NameCoach window.
3. Select Web Recorder or enter your phone number.
4. Follow the prompts to record your name. Click “Submit and Finish” when done.
5. When your name is successfully recorded you will see a button with the option to play your recorded name and an option to edit your recorded name.
Although we may be ranked 21st among national universities, Emory students know too well that the University’s food options are certainly not included in this ranking. After ruining the campus’ aesthetic for many years, the R. Howard Dobbs University Center was torn down and the Emory Student Center and Dobbs Common Table (DCT) opened in Fall 2019. This dining hall is currently only serving take-out due to the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean the portion sizes are too small to feed your average, hungry college student. Just in case you get tired of microwavable spicy chicken ramen, here are some effortless and edible meal options to grab on campus.
Without the forced guidance from helpful upperclassmen, ignorant freshmen have turned to calling the DCT, “Dobbs.” Gone are days of the “DUC.” With lost freshmen feeling rather overwhelmed by the endless void that is adulthood, responsibility and a lockdown browser, the one constant they can turn to is Dobbs and their seasonal vegetables, olive oil tossed over pasta and seasoned, grilled chicken breast.

One new feature at the DCT that adds a particularly new flavor to this fine cuisine is the to-go factor, which adds a whole new variable of movement to the food. So, after freshmen have wandered aimlessly around campus for 20 minutes to find a socially distanced seat, their alfredo pasta, turmeric chicken and fried rice have become a curious grain bowl that the Culinary Institute of America has asked to include in their course curriculum. Because of campus’ random dining hall hours, freshmen have become fearful of starvation and have turned to hoarding food from Dobbs, particularly the sugary cereal and chips. Students now fill brown bags to the brim with these snacks, as if they had just taken the shuttle to the nearest Kroger and didn’t know if they would be back.
Emory Lockdown Browser
The two biggest issues with the DCT are the napkins and lines. The plastic cutlery — which contains a single-ply three-by-three inch square of what some maycall a napkin — isn’t working out. Sure, it helps to clean half my pinky finger mid-meal, but when I am desperately trying to eat my barbeque ribs and keep what little friends I’ve managed to find, it’s not doing the job. In order to get food, one is ushered into one of four lines. These may all appear the same to the eyes of commoners, but all seasoned DCT-goers can explain in detail the pros and cons of each line. For the most part the lines are similar, as long as you don’t get sent to line 4b. Picture this: you are sent to a line with the biggest station. As you prepare to turn right and get some thai curry fried chicken, a staff member points left to a desolate corner and says “go that way please.”You silently cry as you pass a tumbleweed and walk to 4b, the fyre festival of all DCT food lines. This station has virtually no food and feels like the Island of Misfit toys.
The DCT gets a bad rep, and this is mostly because they are absolutely swamped come dinnertime. An important tip is to head to the DCT for weekend brunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There’s nothing like sitting down and opening a to-go box filled with only carbs and greasy, golden brown foods that provide none of the phytonutrients your Health 100 class advised you to eat. Sure, the brunch may irreparably clog your arteries, but tell me how you feel after a bite of a chocolate pancake, followed by some crispy tater tots and greasy bacon — you’ll be left speechless.
There is so much to say about the DCT. There’s the grilled chicken, which could double as the foundation for the next campus construction, the fascinating variety and color of sheet cake and the rather unproblematic pasta. But what sets the DCT apart from all other food destinations is the staff. You leave the dining hall like you leave your grandmother’s house: barely able to move because you are carrying so much food. Unlike the Kaldi’s staff, who aggressively scream everyone’s name but your own, and the Cox staff, who hint that you should cut back on calories as you try to snag another fudgy brownie, the DCT welcomes you with open arms and encourages you to take more. There is nothing like walking in and hearing, “what do you want, sugar?”Nothing beats that southern hospitality.
The Depot by Kaldi’s Coffee
Emory Lockdown Browser Download
Kaldi’s is where all Dooley Dollars go to die. When freshmen are not crying about their five weekly ALEKS assignments for biology, or just doing nothing because they are a pre-business or political science major, they are usually wasting money on the newest chai-matcha fusion. Kaldi’s is a solid option if you are willing to drop some Dooley Dollars, and then wait an hour for a piece of bread with an avocado smashed on top that you could have had faster if you walked to Publix and back. By the time you get your food it’s bound to be cold, but hey, nobody’s perfect. An item that is not talked about enough is the barbeque chicken flatbread — it deserves the hype so much more than the avocado toast.
Cox Hall
If you’re in the mood for lunch, and only lunch, Cox dining hall is open between the useful hours of 11 a.m. t0 3 p.m. Cox has meals for any mood and I dare say the food is flavorful. If you are in the mood for quantity, however, Cox is not for you. While the DCT staff will let you take an entire basket of bananas and the shirt off their backs, if Cox hall employees so much as see you look at a second banana the wrong way they will open field tackle you on the spot. This is also true about the desserts. A freshman once walked out with two delectable rice krispy treats and security pulled up in one of the campus’ deceivingly fast golf carts and picked her up without slowing down. No one has seen her since.
Emory Lockdown Browser
It’s really quite simple — if you’re in the mood for quantity and some hospitality, head to the DCT; if you’re in the mood for a solid but smaller meal, head to Cox Hall; and if you are in the mood for spending money and waiting an ungodly amount of time for a piece of toast, head to Kaldi’s. When you get tired of the same four items that you deemed consumable on campus, head to Emory Village for a change of pace.
Christine Plaster is from Greenwich, Connecticut. Contact Plaster at [email protected].
Emory Respondus Lockdown Browser
The views represented in this article are the writer’s own. Read more of the Wheel’s satire under Emory Life and contact Emory Life Editor Angela Tang at [email protected] if you’re interested in writing satire.