What this does is to create a combined file (copy) from all the ZIP parts and save it as 691-5088-A.zip which you can then expand normally. Under Mac OS X or Linux Open a Terminal window and navigate to the folder containing all the ZIP part files. How to Unzip a ZIP File With the unzip Command. To extract the files from a ZIP file, use the unzip command, and provide the name of the ZIP file. Note that you do need to provide the “.zip” extension. Unzip sourcecode.zip. As the files are extracted they are listed to the terminal window.
Click here to return to the 'Zip multiple files into individual archives via Automator' hint |
for folders, try the -r option ..
zip -r '$f' $f'
from the man page -- a little confusing that the args are 'foo' and 'foo'. the first arg is turned into 'foo.zip' .. the second arg is the file spec (of files which will be placed into the .zip)
To zip up an entire directory, the command:
zip -r foo foo
creates the archive foo.zip, containing all the files and direc-
tories in the directory foo that is contained within the current
Okay I must be doing something wrong because I did try to mix this hint (zip individual files) with the folder argument and it's not working...
I try both:
for f in '$@'
zip -r '$f' $f'
for f in '$@'
zip -r '$f.zip' '$f'
whitout any luck... :( I must admit I'm not used to play with Automator and Run Shell Script...
Never mind.
I just tried the script for individual files with folders selected and it work just the same (~/foo/bar with foo selected become ~/foo.zip). Doh!
Okay, one last thing... ;)
When I zip a folder with this script, let's say /foo from the Desktop level (~/Desktop/foo),
everything is working fine, i.e. it gives me a file named foo.zip at the same level as my original /foo folder (~/Desktop/foo).
The problem is when I unzip it. I end up with nested folders, i.e. /Users/MyUserName/Desktop/foo on the ~/Desktop folder. Is there a way to not include all those (almost empty) folders in the script?
The idea would be to make the script behave just like the 'Create Archive of...' in the contextual menu
'Better Living Through Macintosh Scripting'
IMHO it is better to just throw them in a folder and zip the folder. It's my pet peeve when a bunch of files unzip and end up all over the place as individual files. I'd rather unzip them into a nice folder.
The Apotek
The Executioner's Summary:
Sorry, does not seem to work. Added .zip to two places and it would partially work.
However, what would be nice is to have the workflow go like this:
Set up: single file on desktop, folder on desktop with some files in it and another folder in it with some more file (i.e. a level 2)
Now, results: run the work flow and have it zip the single file. Next, it would zip the folder and the subfolder. This does not happen now - no second level.
Also, would like to stip the path out of the zip file just to the folder level. For the single file a -j seems to work. However, how do you get the file path to just start at the folder being zipped, not at the user/desktop/etc level when unzipping?
Can this be done?
- Handles both files and directories
- Uses bzip2 instead of zip (better compression)
- Files are replaced by original_filename.bz2
- Directories are replaced by original_directoryname.tar.bz2
- In the event of an error, the original is not deleted
- File names are quoted properly to take into consideration embedded blanks which would mess up other solutions I've seen
I would love it if this action worked, it would be perfect as i agree, i would like the extra compression afforded by it, however it simply does not work. . . do you think you could go over exactly what i should do in the automator terminal? as in should it be '/bin/bash' and 'asas arguments' ? also i copied your code exactly and pasted it in the script box, perhaps i was supposed to do something else as well? thanks.
So many years have gone by and I still haven't found any better script to what our script does!
There is only one problem, when applied through Automator (on 10.6.8 or 10.5) is crashes after it compresses the 1st folder. Do you any idea why or if there is anything one can do to avoid this problem?
Chas, you are missing the point.
Let's say you have a game emulator and you have 1500 roms. The emulator accepts .zip and if you zip all of the roms you save a significant amount of space.
Zipping all of the files into a single zip will not work as the emulator will probably only load the first file in the zip.
This hint is very useful for us emu geeks.
This seems to work, but it only works if you select an entire folder and run the automator scrpt from there, otherwise if you select individual files it actually searches each file for folders and zips the files within the 'package contents' : so workflow looks like this:
in the automator place action 'get selected finder items'
followed by 'get folder contents'
followed by 'run shell script' : keep the shell as /bin/bash and the pass input as 'to stdin' the actual script is
xargs -I {} zip {}.zip {}
that's it. save the workflow as a finder selection and select a folder full of files you wish to individually compress, and it works but yes unfortunately it still makes it have that annoying files structure, which i personally can't stand, and also it doesn't seem to like working with other folders within folders and it can't seem to compress .apps very well, lastly i would like to have the option to individually select groups of files from within a folder and zip those.i dunno what's up with that. so maybe someone can take this script and flesh it out? :)
thanks, useful tip.
does anyone know a way to get around the directory structure... at the moment i have to dump my folders in the root dir to avoid the problems unzipping.
and what if you want to encrypt each file with the same password?
just adding the -e-argument fails for obvious reasons.. so how?
found this tip via Google. you have no idea how much time you just saved me.
i actually prefer using Terminal/Shell for zipping files...some people with older Windows systems seem to struggle with zip files made on a Mac and using the shell helps.

Terminal User Guide
When sending folders and multiple files between computers, it’s helpful to compress them into a single archive. This saves space, lets you transfer just one item instead of many, and makes it easier to resume in case the task is suspended for some reason.
In Terminal, you can use the GNU tar
command to compress and uncompress files and folders. The usual file extension for a compressed tar archive is .tgz, although you might also see files ending with the .tar.gz extension. If the archive isn’t compressed, it usually just ends in .tar.
Tip: It’s easier to compress or uncompress files directly in the Finder (it’s recommended that you use the tar
command in Terminal only if you specifically need to create a tar archive). See Compress or uncompress files and folders.
Create a compressed tar archive
Mac Terminal Zip Multiple Files Into A Single File
In the Terminal app on your Mac, enter the
command, then press Return.For a basic compression of a folder named, for example, LotsOfFiles, you could enter:
flag indicates that the archive is being compressed, as well as being combined into one file. You’ll usually use this option, but you aren’t required to.If it’s a large folder, you may want to monitor the process by adding the
flag:% tar -czvf LotsOfFiles.tgz LotsOfFiles
Uncompress a tar archive
To uncompress a tar archive on your Mac, do one of the following:
Zip File For Mac
In the Terminal app on your Mac, enter the
command with thex
flag, then press Return. To see progress messages, also use thev
flag. For example:In the Finder on your Mac, double-click the tar file.
Mac Terminal Zip Multiple Files 1