- Sublime Text C++ Compiler
- Sublime Text C++ Code Completion
- Mac Sublime Text 3 C++ 配置
- Sublime Text 3 C++ Mac
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- Sublime Text C++ Compiler Mac
Sublime Text 3 is the current version of Sublime Text. For bleeding-edge releases, see the dev builds. Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation. For intermediate to advanced users. C environment which builds using CMake and uses the clangd language server for extra IDE features. Using Sublime Text 4.
Sublime Text is one of the more popular text and code editors out there – and it’s easy to see why. The app makes life easier for programmers with features like the ability to select multiple instances of the same string (like a PHP variable, for example), powerful search that lets you open up a file and jump to the exact spot you’re looking for and the ability to customize just about everything.

JsPrettier is a Sublime Text Plug-in for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter. GitHub - jonlabelle/SublimeJsPrettier: JsPrettier is a Sublime Text Plug-in for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter.
One of those cool customization features comes in the form of themes. There are a variety of free themes available that can change the look of Sublime Text to better reflect your needs. Below is a collection of some of our favorites.
You might also like these Sublime Text WordPress extensions or this Sublime Text cheatsheet.
Dracula is a dark theme that presents some great color contrast. Using a dark background actually saves energy as well, so you can be an environmentally conscious vampire. There’s also a chance to expand your dark persona as Dracula is also available to use in over 40 apps.

ayu is a very simple theme for Sublime Text 2/3 that gives you three color options: Dark, Mirage and Light. Regardless of which version you use, colors are bright and the theme makes for easy reading. There are settings for things like displaying a separator between UI panels, font size, tab size and more.
Billed as the most ‘hackable theme’ for Sublime Text 3, Boxy comes in both light and dark variations. Also included are dozens of options to help you customize things to your liking. You can set various sizes, fonts, color accents, icon sets and backgrounds. Plus, change settings for tabs, bars and panels. There is simply a ton of ways to tweak the theme.
Spacegray is a set of custom themes for Sublime Text 2/3 that features Base16 color schemes. The look is minimal and comes in three flavors: Spacegray, Spacegray Light and Spacegray Eighties. Settings are available for font, tab and sidebar tweaks.
Material brings Google’s Material Design to Sublime Text 3. It allows you to choose from a number of color schemes and has a configuration panel to make for easy customization. This one is a nice inspiration for those who already use Material Design in their work.
Soda comes in both light and dark variations and works with both Sublime Text 2 and 3. It’s designed to take advantage of high-dpi displays and also sports alternate tab styles. The look is very sharp and quite easy to read.

A minimal dark theme for Sublime Text 2/3, Afterglow is actually based on Spacegray – which we covered above. It supports different tab heights, color options, sidebar icons and Markdown syntax. There are lots of options here to make this minimal theme your own.
Gravity looks to bring some elements of OS X Yosemite and El Capitan to Sublime Text 3. There are dark and light variations, along with some basic customization options. Overall, the theme will blend in beautifully for Mac users and will at least bring a taste of it to everyone else.
Sublime Text C++ Compiler
Cyanide is a dark, minimal theme that works with Sublime Text 3. There are several color schemes available, including: Monocyanide, Twilightcyanide, Acid, Alert, Golden, Mint and more. You’ll find that many options can be customized via a settings panel.
New Moon
New Moon aims to strike a more balanced tone than some of the very high contrast themes out there. It’s a dark theme and is geared towards web development. It handles HTML, CSS, JS and PHP quite well – without the distraction of bold colors.
Simply Sublime
Sublime Text has proven itself to be an outstanding code editor. But it’s the little touches, like themes, that really make it stand out. That level of customization puts it ahead of many competitors.
Sublime Text C++ Code Completion

So, whether you’re already using Sublime Text or looking to make the leap, adding one of the themes above will help bring an even higher comfort level to your development work.
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C/C++ language servers
The below was written for clangd, but much applies to cquery and ccls as well.
A newer project emerged from cquery.Build and install from source, see ccls wiki
Build and install from source, see cquery wikiNote that work on cquery has stopped. Prefer using ccls or clangd.
To use clangd on Debian/Ubuntu, add the apt repositories described here.After that, install with e.g. apt install clang-tools-9
. The clangd executablewill have a version number suffix. For instance, clangd-9. You will thus have toadjust your 'clients'
dictionary in your user preferences.
To use clangd on Mac, use Homebrew: brew install llvm
. The clangd executablewill be present in /usr/local/Cellar/llvm/version/binYou probably need to install the Xcode developer command-line tools. Run the following in a terminal:
And if you're on macOS 10.14, also run the following to install essential headers like wchar_t.h
To use clangd on Windows, install LLVM with the LLVM installer,and then add C:Program FilesLLVMbin to your %PATH%.
Compilation database
For any project of non-trivial size, you probably have a build system in placeto compile your source files. The compilation command passed to your compilermight include things like:
- Include directories,
- Define directives,
- Compiler-specific flags.
Like any language server, clangd works on a per-file (or per-buffer) basis. Butunlike most other language servers, it must also be aware of the exact compileflags that you pass to your compiler. For this reason, people have come up withthe idea of a compilation database.At this time, this is just a simple JSON file that describes for eachtranslation unit (i.e. a .cpp
, .c
, .m
or .mm
file) the exactcompilation flags that you pass to your compiler.
It's pretty much standardized that this file should be calledcompile_commands.json
. clangd searches for this file up in parentdirectories from the currently active document. If you don't have such a filepresent, most likely clangd will spit out nonsense errors and diagnostics aboutyour code.
As it turns out, CMake can generate this file for you if you pass it thecache variable -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON
when invoking CMake. It willbe present in your build directory, and you can copy that file to the root ofyour project. Make sure to ignore this file in your version control system.
If you are using a make-based build system, you could use compiledbto generate a compile_commands.json
Mac Sublime Text 3 C++ 配置
Since header files are (usually) not passed to a compiler, they don't havecompile commands. So even with a compilation database in place, clangd willstill spit out nonsense in header files. You can try to remedy this byenhancing your compilation database with your header files using this project called compdb.
Sublime Text 3 C++ Mac
To generate headers with compdb, read this closed issue.
You can also read about attempts to address this on the CMake issue tracker, along with the problemof treating header files as translation units.
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Sublime Text C++ Compiler Mac
Another way to let your language server know what the include dirs are is by hand-writing a compile_flags.txt file inyour source root. Each line is one flag. This can be useful for projects that e.g. only have a Visual Studio solutionfile. For more information, see these instructions. Creating this file by hand is a reasonable place to start if your project is quitesimple.