STEPS TO DOWNLOAD BLUESTACKS FOR MAC OS. Visit the official website and download the latest version. Double click on the downloaded setup. Proceed for installation. Click on continue to begin the installation process. You may be prompted with the message ‘System Extension blocked’. Bluestacks 4.40 significantly improves performance and adds a media manager. Bluestacks Download on Mac. The latest version of Bluestacks is also available on Mac devices. It is a helpful service for users who love to connect. The Android emulator can run effectively on Mac devices. The Bluestacks application works with all popular Android apps. Question: Q: System Extension Gets Blocked But There Is No Allow Button In System Settings I installed BlueStacks into my computer and opened it. When it asked me to allow an extension it needed in order for it to be used, I went to system preferences to allow the extension but it wasn't there. Once your Mac restarts, BlueStacks will be ready to use. Launch the program and then select Let’s Go. Sign in with a Google account, select the Google Play Store icon on the emulated Android desktop and search for the Google Home app. Select Install and then select Open once Google Home app finishes downloading.
What did you attempt to install?
Excerpt from TN2459: User-Approved Kernel Extension Loading:

'This approval UI is only present in the Security & Privacy preferences pane for 30 minutes after the alert.'
How To Allow Extension On Mac
Whatever it was you attempted to install, attempting again should cause the Security & Privacy prompt to reappear. Be advised that allowing system extensions is a system modification that should be seriously considered. Simply put don't do it without certain knowledge of a way to undo it.
Bluestacks Stuck On Starting Bluestacks
Jan 11, 2019 4:38 AM